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Red Marker's Figma Plugin
Red Marker's Figma Plugin FAQs
Red Marker's Figma Plugin FAQs
Written by Emily Mickan
Updated over a week ago

Can multiple users use Red Marker in a single Figma file?

Yes. Any user who is a member of your Figma organization and has an account with Red Marker can access the Red Marker plugin while in Figma.

You and your colleagues can independently run the Red Marker plugin on different frames within the same file. Detected risks will be visible to all users, even if they don’t have a Red Marker account.

How can I track Figma usage?

You can track usage of Red Marker’s Figma plugin using the Performance page in the Red Marker app.

Does Figma have the same functionality as the Red Marker app?

Our Figma experience is slightly different to the Red Marker app, due to limitations in how Figma allow communication with their platform. This means that some features will be available in our app before they are available in Figma.

We will progressively improve our Figma plugin to ensure the best possible user experience. Check with your IT team to ensure that your organization is using the most up-to-date version of the plugin.

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