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Tips & Tricks for Using Approvals
Tips & Tricks for Using Approvals

Highlights of the Red Marker Approvals Function

Written by Emily Mickan
Updated over 10 months ago

What Approvals information is available on the Documents page?

The Documents page now has a range of new features to help you track where your document is in the approval process. This includes new and updated columns:

Document ID: A unique ID number that is specific to each reviewed document.

Title (with priority indicator): The title of the document, now with visual indicators of the priority of the pending approval. Urgent approvals are indicated by a red up arrow icon. Low priority approvals are indicated by a blue down arrow icon. Standard priority approvals do not have an icon.
Approval Process: The sequence of stakeholders that must sign off on the document before the document is approved.

Status: Shows the progress so far on Where in the Approval Process the document is currently sitting, including whether it has been Approved or Not Approved.

Next Approver(s): Which approvers are still required to approve the document.

Last Approved: When the last action was taken on the document.

How can I let colleague know an approval is urgent?

When you commence an approval process by clicking on the Start Approval button, you will see a pop up asking you about priority. The default priority is Standard, but you can indicate the approval is Urgent or Low. An optional comment field allows you to provide more information to stakeholders about the document and priority. This information will appear in the email sent to users notifying them about the approval as well as in the Documents tab.

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How can I check the approval status of the document?

On the Documents page, if you click on the document line anywhere right of the Owner column, a pop up screen will appear showing the Approval status of the document. This will include:

  • The Approval Process (the approval flow the document will take)

  • The priority of the approval, as determined by the uploading user.

  • The Review ID, with a ‘copy link’ feature for easy sharing with colleagues.

  • Information on who uploaded the document, and when it was uploaded along with an optional comment about the review.

  • An interactive visualisation of the stages of the approval and its current status.

  • The sequence of approvers who have already approved, and any approvals who are still in line to approve in each stage including whether their approval is optional or required.

  • An overview the review so far, including any comments left by approvers. If your company uses approval codes, they will also appear here.

You can also access this status pop up by selecting Approvals from the Actions menu within the document itself. (click on the vertical ellipsis icon (⋮) in the top right corner of the review).

A screenshot of a approval status

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How can I see the status of the documents I have submitted for review?

If you are only interested in seeing the status of the documents you have submitted for review, you can do this by using the Documents Filter at the top of the Documents page. By selecting My Documents, it will show only the documents you have uploaded and/or submitted for approval.

How can I see the documents I have to review for approval?

If you are only interested in seeing the documents you need to approve, you can do this by using the Documents Filter at the top of the Documents page. By selecting My Approvals, it will show only the documents you have to review for approval.

How can I see the documents that have had their approval marked as urgent?

If you are only interested in seeing documents that urgently require approval, open the Advanced Filter in the Documents page, choose ‘Urgent’ from the Priority drop down and ‘Approval In Progress’ from the Status menu.

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Can I submit documents for approval using the Word or PowerPoint Add-ins?

Yes! When you review a document in Word or PowerPoint, you will be prompted to select the Approval Process. Once you have finished reviewing the document in Word or PowerPoint, click to Send to Red Marker. You can then follow the link into to the Red Marker platform, and Start Approval.

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