The grouped risks feature is an alternative way to display risks within Red Marker.
When this feature is enabled for a rule, instead of showing risks individually in the risk pane, all risks related to the same rule are grouped together in the risk pane.
By grouping together certain risks, you can deal with all risks of a certain type at once, increasing consistency and reducing the chance of error. Reviews with many risks will also be more digestible.
Using Grouped Risks
Assessing the risks
Risks are grouped together for ease of reference. You will see the sentence where the risk has been identified, and a highlight showing the term or phrase which has caused the rule to trigger.
Clicking on a risk in the group will scroll your document to where that risk is located, and allow you to assess the broader context.
Actioning the risks
For each risk, you can use the hover menu to reply or dismiss.
When you add your reply, the reply indicator will increment to signal that the risk contains some additional commentary.
Dismissing the risk will change it to a greyed out, dismissed state and take you to the next risk in the group.
You can always undo your changes by clicking the dismissal ‘X’ again, or by editing / deleting your reply.
Replying to the grouped risks
In addition to replying to a single risk, you can reply to the whole group of risks. This allows you to leave general feedback, or explain actions you’ve taken to handle the group as a whole.
Dismissing all risks
If you’ve reviewed each of the risks and wish to dismiss them all at once, you can use the “Dismiss all risks” menu. This won’t affect any risks which are already dismissed.
If you’d like to undo dismissal for a particular risk in the group, you can scroll to the risk and click the dismiss button in the hover menu.