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Red Marker's Figma Plugin
Allowing Red Marker access to your documents in Figma
Allowing Red Marker access to your documents in Figma

To enable the Red Marker feedback to be added to your marketing assets in Figma, you must allow Red Marker access to your documents

Written by Emily Mickan
Updated over a week ago

Risks detected by Red Marker appear as Figma comments from a Red Marker user. You will need to create a standalone “Red Marker” user within your Organization which has access to your Figma files.

  1. Create a new Figma account. Name the account “Red Marker”. We recommend using two-factor authentication for extra security.

  2. In your Figma organization, click “Invite”.

  3. Invite the new user with Edit Permissions.

  4. Add the Red Marker user to the teams / folders where the Figma plugin will be used with Edit permissions.

    1. For “Open” Teams, you can simply join the team when logged in as the Red Marker user.

    2. For “Closed” Teams, you can request access to the team and approve separately on your Organization Admin account.

    3. If required by your security policy, you can restrict the Red Marker user’s permissions from specific teams / folders and the plugin will not have access to those files.

  5. Generate a personal access token and send it to or your client success contact. We will configure the plugin to securely access your organization’s Figma through this user within 1-2 business days. Please contact us if this has not occurred.

Before you can allow access to your documents in Figma, you need to Make the Red Marker Figma Plugin available to your users.

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